Monday, February 18, 2013

Tom Ford blushes swatches - Lovelust, Flush, Savage, Ravish, Narcissist

My obsession with Tom Ford blushes all started with his Narcissist. I then literally raced to the counter and grabbed four more, leaving two behind for good reasons :D.

All of Tom Ford blushes have unbelievably exquisite shimmer. But don't let the word "shimmer" itself push you away. Tom Ford executes the bling brilliantly. The shimmer shows up in heavy swatches but when applied on the cheeks lightly, it becomes undetectable to the naked eyes (unless your nose rests against the mirror :p). All creates delicate sheen on your cheeks at different levels. The texture feels like velvet that blends seamlessly into the skin, exactly like cream blushes. The shimmer doesn't sit on top of the pigment. All are gorgeous, stay on for at least 8 hours on my combination skin. I'm so obsessed with them all!!!

You can check out the review of Narcissist here. The rest will come up soon. In the mean time, here is a gloss-over of each shade.

Lovelust is pinky peach with tiny cool pink pearl finish. The most frosty out of his current blushes. It can be use as a highlighter to create a subtle glow on the cheek bones. See it here with Tom Ford Black Orchid, Shade and Illuminate 2 and Brow Sculptor Espresso. It's tremendous!

Flush is vibrant peachy coral with delicate coral shimmer. Like Narcissist, it requires a very light hand and you can build it up easily. It creates a 60s vibe when paired with Burberry Devon Sunset! Flush is one of those shades that instantly brighten up your complexion. Unbelievably lovely!

Savage is a warm brown with a hint cool pink shimmer and red undertone. It's the least shimmery of the bunch together with Narcissist. It isn't as pigmented as the rest and requires multiple layers to become opaque. Usually I count this as a weakness. However, Mr Ford is a genius. A deep color like Savage would handily create a mess on the cheeks if it were too pigmented. So I actually LOVE its sheerness. 

Ravish is pinky brown with strong cool pink undertone that is similar to that of Narcissist and cool pink shimmer. A very sophisticated color! When applied lightly, it doesn't look that different from Savage. But when built up the cool pink undertone and shimmer really add such a beautifully surprising glow for the cheeks. I can't help but LOVE it!

Swatches under slight cool lighting

Have you picked any of Tom Ford blushes or any other products? What are your favorites? 
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